Introducing our candidate – Aleodor Frâncu

Directors General of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Member States met last week (25-27 August 2022), in Sorrento, Italy, with the occasion of the Seventy-First Special Meeting of Directors General Of Civil Aviation.

The Romanian delegation thought that this is going to be a good opportunity to introduce the Romanian candidate for the ICAO Council elections that will take place will take place during the 41st session of the ICAO Assembly (27 September – 7 October 2022).

On this occasion, Mr. Aleodor Frâncu, the Romanian candidate, let the DGCAs know that Romania will be a candidate for the election to ICAO Council as a member of the Central European Rotation Group (CERG). Being in front of one of the most important fora at the European level, he showed that all the European representatives should continuously coordinate their opinion in order to ensure a strong and clear European standpoint.

Mr. Frâncu declared: ”I take this opportunity to reaffirm Romania’s commitment to continue the work in the aviation community, under ICAO’s leadership, for a safe, secure and sustainable restart and recovery of the global aviation sector, by extending once more its contribution to this process at the highest decision level, in the ICAO Council. I personally remain committed to support ICAO’s work to develop safety and security standards and strategies to ensure through our collective resolve the best solutions for dealing with situations that have a significant negative impact on airspace users, affects civil aviation as a whole, impedes the development of civil aviation at global level and the achievement of ICAO objectives and goals.”

He also considered that due to the fact that innovation and digitalisation are a catalyst for the development of aviation and, as they function as an enabler of growth, we need to ensure their safe use, legal certainty for industry and a legal framework to address concerns related to privacy and data protection, security and environment. For this, we need to take into consideration the new business models that might be generated through various urban concepts and applications with manned and unmanned aircraft systems.