Romania presents its candidature for part III of the ICAO Council in cooperation with all member states of the CERG rotation group: Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, the Hellenic Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia.

Introducing our candidate – Aleodor Frâncu

Aleodor has more than 34 years of professional experience in civil aviation and leadership and management experience as he served as Minister within the Romanian Government and as State Secretary and Director General of Civil Aviation within the Romanian Ministry of Transport.

At the international level, he represented Romania as a member in the ECAC Coordinating Committee (1997-2001) and within EUROCONTROL as the State Liaison Officer (2016-2022). He was also elected as the Vice-President of ECAC (1999-2001).

With a doctor’s degree in management and industrial engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and his vast experience in the field of civil aviation and politics, at national and international level, Aleodor is the right candidate for a seat on the ICAO Council as he is able to understand both the technical aspects of aviation and the politics behind them, as well.

Romania – a founding member of CERG

The first agreement was signed in 1992, but this agreement needed to be changed due to various reasons and on 3 November 1993 the Authorities of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia decided to establish a the Central European Rotation Group (CERG) and signed a Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation and representation on the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In 2002, the Republic of Slovenia joined CERG, two further members were accepted – the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Poland in 2009, another two members in 2014 – the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Lithuania and in 2015 the Republic of Cyprus became the 10th member of CERG.

Our Council membership is of importance in many aspects, our country being involved in the resolutions/decisions adopted at global level, through the work of various working groups, cooperation platforms, significantly contributing to the enhancement of the visibility of CERG at regional and international level.

Romania has demonstrated its contribution to the air transport field through the evolution it had over the years, increasing the levels of safety and security, promoting uniformity in legislation and contributing to the development of several projects, proving the high standards and complying with the essential criteria determined by ICAO, making us an eligible candidate for the ICAO Council membership.

Furthermore, Romania has demonstrated its contribution to the air transport industry at both European region and at global level, being highly appreciated for the work it has conducted.