
ICAO Member from


Air transport of passengers 2020


Air transport of goods 2020



Air carriers

Air transport of passengers 2021


Air transport of goods 2021


Area:238 391 square kilometres

Population:19.03 million


Terrain & Environment:

Situated in the south-eastern part of Central Europe, lying between the Black Sea and the Carpathian Mountains, Romania’s climate is temperate-continental. The highest point in the country is 2 544 m, the lowest point is at 0
Medieval towns, fortified churches, painted monasteries, wooden masterpieces and ancient Dacian ruins are just some of the attractions that make up Romania's exceptional cultural heritage.
The western half of Walachia (Southern Romania) is endowed with spectacular monasteries, thermal-spring spas, and charming villages set at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. Continue your trip along the Olt River Valley and discover Transylvania's forest-covered slopes, unspoiled landscapes, quaint villages, and fortified churches. In northeastern Romania, make time for Bucovina's painted monasteries, with their magnificent 15th-century frescoes, which are unique in the world. Cross the Prislop Pass into Maramures, famous for its hand-hewn wooden architecture and its unique tall-spire churches with double roofs.


The State authority for civil aviation is the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, while the responsibilities for the oversight of civil aviation safety were delegated to the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (RCAA), a self–financed organization. Romanian CAA department of airworthiness is authorized, to certify, on behalf of EASA, foreign aviation production organizations.

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, through its Directorate for Air Transport, ensures directly or by delegation of powers the process of elaboration and implementation of the appropriate aeronautical regulations, mandatory for all the participants at the civil aeronautical activities and to the other connected ones. It establishes the aviation development strategy, the air transport policies too.

The Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (RCAA) was established by Government decision in 1993, as legal person and self–financed organization, responsible with safety and security (since 2013) oversight of civil aviation by ensuring the application of national and international regulations/standards and issuing procedures and instructions for the implementation of these regulations. RCAA is a technical specialized body entrusted as “Competent Authority” by Aviation Act and established as NSA (National Supervisory Authority) in 2006 by Order of the Ministry of Transport and Tourism

In this context, RCAA has become an active participant to the development of the European aviation safety implementation program and is also responsible with ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) implementation and observance.

Its objective is to ensure national aeronautic regulation implementation, to oversight their compliance by the natural and legal Romanian and foreign persons who carry on civil aeronautical activities, who design and manufacture products for civil aviation on Romania’s territory, as well as to supervise the implementation of the dispositions of arrangements and international aeronautical agreements to which Romania is a party. So, the activity field of the institution covers all the legal aspects related to the implementation and compliance of the standards, procedures on airspace management, concerning aeronautical personnel licensing, air operation performing, to ensure and maintain a continuous airworthiness, air navigation progress.

The aeronautical applicable regulations in Romania were and are permanently update, in accordance with ICAO SARPs, as well as with the European requirements.


Having a long tradition in the field of aeronautics, Romania, as a member of ICAO (1965), ECAC (1991), EUROCONTROL (1996), JAA (full member from 2000) and EASA (2007), is considered one of the countries with good and active participation in international civil aviation organizations.

From 1965 when Romania acceded to ICAO, it was continuously necessary to harmonize national aeronautic regulations with the SARPs established through the Chicago Convention of 1944 and its Annexes.

Romania’s state civil aviation was and is actively participating in ICAO activities. So the first ICAO meeting in a Central-Eastern Europe country of the ex-communist socialist block states (on air flows coordination) was held in Sinaia, in 1979.

In 1995 Romania was elected on the ICAO Council (as a Member State of the Central European Rotating Group - CERG, while the other members were the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia). Romania was elected for the second time on the ICAO Council, with a high number of votes in 2007. This election represents Romania’s state commitment to take actively part in this high forum decision process. The objectives promoted in the Council are similar to those at national level: to ensure high aeronautic safety and security standards, to improve environment protection measures in air transport, to ensure progress through innovation.

In 1991, Romania became an European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) member, all the civil aviation institutions in Romania having as objective national policy and practices harmonizing with those of the other ECAC Member States.

From 1996, as an EUROCONTROL member, it develops and implements this Organization’s requirements, established for uniform and efficient networks at European level also as regards the air traffic management – ATM.

To be in line with the European harmonizing safety standards Romania made great efforts and became consequently in 2000 a full Joint Aviation Member, in 2005 it obtained the EASA observer statute and was a full EASA member after acceding in 2007 in the European Union. 2002 was the year when it signed a Bilateral Agreement of Safety in Aviation – BASA with USA.

Following the accession to the European Union, on 1st January 2007, the common European regulations related to civil aviation are directly applicable in Romania. So, Romania is contributing to the European harmonization process not only implementing the ICAO standards, recommendations, practices on safety management, safety oversight, CNS/ATM systems, etc., but also those assuring the interface with the ECAC/EUROCONTROL areas of coverage in the region.

On 12 December 2011, was signed in Brussels an Agreement on the Establishment of the DANUBE Functional Airspace Block between Romania and Republic of Bulgaria. Its goal is to allow both States to collectively optimize airspace capacity, increase cost-efficiency, improve safety and ensure environmental sustainability.

Please also visit Romania’s civil aviation relevant web sites:,,,,,,